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John's Journal... Entry33 - Day 4

click to enlargeThe Bad Bird Bible Chapter 2, Verse 2- Dave Streb

Dave Streb of Orchard Park, New York, national sales manager for Quaker Boy Calls and longtime, avid turkey hunter explained, "A bad gobbler that I had to try and take was a bird that I found when I hunted with Lamar Fussel, a World Turkey Calling Champion from Georgia. I worked the turkey one morning but never could get him in close enough for a shot. That night Lamar told me that he'd give me the secret for killing that turkey. He said, 'When you go to that turkey in the morning, make one yelp, and don't call again.'

click to enlarge"Since I'm a fellow who likes to call turkeys, I knew I'd have a tough time just calling one time to the turkey. But I also realized that Lamar knew the bird better than I did. I went in, got close to the gobbler on the roost and made a soft series of yelps on my Boat Paddle Call made by Quaker Boy. Then I put the call down and listened.

"I heard the turkey fly down and gobble going away from me. I wanted to pick up my call and call to that bird so bad I could hardly stand it. I knew if that box call stayed beside me, I wouldn't be able to withstand the temptation. So I picked up the call and threw it about 5 feet from me to keep me from getting to it.

click to enlarge"After awhile I heard the turkey gobbling, coming to me. Naturally once again I wanted to pick up the call and let the turkey know where I was. But I left the call where I'd thrown it. In a very short while, I could hear the gobbler drumming behind me. I wanted to call so bad. However, I didn't because I couldn't reach my box. Finally, the turkey walked from behind me and came out right in front of me where I took the shot.

click to enlarge"This tom was a really big ole bird -- a trophy. The secret to taking him was to fight the urge to call and sit still and say nothing. I've learned that often the best call to use on a bad gobbler is no call at all."

To learn more about hunting turkeys, go to Night Hawk's homepage and click on hunting books.

For more information about Quaker Boy's calls and turkey-hunting accessories, go to www.quakerboycalls.com.



Check back each day this week for more about The Bad Bird Bible ...

Day 1 -The Bad Bird Bible Chapter 1, Verse 1- Joe Drake
Day 2 -The Bad Bird Bible Chapter 1, Verse 2- Joe Drake
Day 3 -The Bad Bird Bible Chapter 2, Verse 1- Dave Streb
Day 4 -The Bad Bird Bible Chapter 2, Verse 2- Dave Streb
Day 5 -The Bad Bird Bible Chapter 3, Verse 1- Brad Harris

John's Journal